Tips & Tricks

Tips For Real Estate Photography In The Winter

Tips For Real Estate Photography In The Winter

Winter presents unique challenges and opportunities for real estate photographers. The cold temperatures, grey skies, the barren trees, and the snow-covered landscapes can drastically alter the appearance of a property.

However, with thoughtful preparation and technique, winter can also provide a backdrop for stunning and compelling real estate imagery. In this article I’ll share some great tips for real estate photography in the winter.

Table of Contents

Plan Ahead If Possible

Planning ahead can be the best idea since avoiding winter photography all together is probably the best thing to do. Of course, it’s not always possible.

Capture Exterior Images in Warmer Months

If an agent or homeowner plans to list the property during the winter, consider capturing exterior shots in the summer or fall.

This foresight allows potential buyers to see the home in a different season, highlighting features like gardens in full bloom or a pool in its summer glory. These images provide a contrast to the starkness of winter and remind buyers of the property’s year-round appeal.

Stock Photos of the Neighborhood

Similar to the property itself, consider taking photos of the neighborhood and local amenities during the warmer months. Pictures of nearby parks, streets lined with lush trees, or community spaces can be less inviting to look at when they’re barren and covered in snow.

Lean Into The Winter Aesthetic

Blue Sky Days

Winter photography can be incredibly beautiful, especially on clear, blue sky days when the snow sparkles under the sunlight. Aim to schedule shoots for these days when possible.

The contrast of the bright blue sky against a snowy landscape can create a stunning backdrop for your property images. Even the bare branches of trees can look picturesque against a clear winter sky.

Highlighting Cozy Interiors

With the exterior potentially blanketed in snow, the interior of the home becomes even more critical. Winter is the perfect time to highlight how cozy, warm, and inviting a home is.

Ensure that the interior is well-lit, perhaps with a fire burning in the fireplace and warm lighting to create a sense of warmth and comfort that contrasts with the cold outside.

Essential Winter Photography Tips For Real Estate

Clearing Snow and Ice

Safety and accessibility are paramount. Ensure that all pathways, driveways, and common walking areas are well-shoveled and free of ice.

Not only is this important for safety as you move around to take photos, but clear paths also make the property look well-maintained and accessible, which is important for potential buyers.

Dealing with Overcast Days

Overcast days are common in winter, leading to flat lighting and dull skies. While this can be challenging, it also provides an opportunity for even lighting in interior shots and avoids the harsh shadows that can come with brighter days.

If the sky is a concern, consider techniques in post-production to enhance or replace the sky.

Managing Reflections and Contrast

Snow is highly reflective, which can create issues with exposure and white balance. Be mindful of the light and its reflection on the snow, and adjust your camera settings accordingly.

Snow can also create a high contrast environment, especially on sunny days, so consider shooting in RAW format to capture as much detail as possible for later adjustment in post-production.

Show Off The Homes Winter Readiness

Emphasize Winter Features

If the home has features that are beneficial in winter, such as an attached garage, high-efficiency heating systems, or insulated windows, make sure to highlight these in your photos and descriptions. Showing that a home is well-equipped to handle the winter months can be a significant selling point.

If the home is in a region where winters are long and harsh or there is a ton of snow, these features are extremely important and will be major points of interest to potential buyers.

Staging for the Season

Consider staging the home with subtle winter decor — perhaps a beautiful throw on the couch or a winter wreath on the door. These small touches can make the home feel festive and inviting without being overly personalized or distracting.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

254 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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