Beginners Guide

Can You Take Real Estate Photos In The Rain?

Can You Take Real Estate Photos In The Rain?

Rainy days are often seen as a deterrent for photography in general, and real estate photography might seem to be no exception. However, with the right techniques and preparations, capturing properties in the rain is completely possible.

In this article I’ll discuss how you can take real estate photos in the rain and what you need to consider before you do so.

Table of Contents

Exterior Real Estate Photography In The Rain

Protecting Your Gear

The primary concern when shooting in the rain is going to be protecting your camera and lenses from the water which can completely destroy them.

Today’s professional photography equipment is often weather-sealed to some extent, but in heavier rains, additional protection is necessary. You’ll definitely want to look up the weather-sealed protection level of your equipment before taking it out in the rain.

Using rain covers, umbrellas, or even makeshift protectors like plastic bags can be crucial. Ensure that all your gear is adequately covered, but also that you have the mobility and visibility needed to capture your shots effectively.

Editing Considerations

Rain can introduce various elements that require attention when editing. Moving raindrops can appear as streaks or spots in your photos which will look extremely unnatural if you plan to replace the sky to make it look like a nice blue sky day.

Adobe Photoshop makes blue sky replacements super easy, which is one of the reasons we named it the Best Editing Software for Real Estate Photography.

Be prepared for potentially extensive editing to remove these distractions or to enhance the lighting and colors that may be muted or altered by the overcast conditions.

When To Know It’s Too Much Rain

There is going to be a line where the amount of rain is simply going to be too much to overcome. While you can certainly capture great exterior real estate photos when it’s just sprinkling out, you shouldn’t even attempt it if it’s a thunderstorm.

If your risking your equipment and it’s unlikely you’re going to get a good photo regardless of editing techniques, it’s best to just revisit the property on a nicer day or wait until the rain stops.

Interior Real Estate Photography On A Rainy Day

While exterior photos have a lot of difficulties and factors to consider when thinking about whether or not you can capture good real estate images, interior photos are a completely different story.

Minimally Affected by Weather

Interior shots are generally less affected by rainy conditions compared to exterior shots. As long as there is sufficient interior lighting, the rain outside might not make a significant difference to your ability to capture beautiful interior photos.

However, the quality and direction of natural light coming through the windows can change, sometimes creating a more diffused and softer light that can actually be quite flattering for interiors.

Dealing with Thunderstorms and Heavy Rains

During a heavy thunderstorm or intense rain, the exterior conditions can affect interior photography. Windows might be streaked with water, or the room might be a lot darker than usual.

In such scenarios, you might need to rely more heavily on artificial lighting to brighten up the space or wait for the storm to subside for natural light to improve.

Editing for a Brighter Look

Post-production can significantly brighten and enhance interior photos taken on rainy days. Adjusting exposure, contrast, and color saturation can transform a gloomy interior shot into one that appears as though it was taken on a sunny day.

Sky replacements in window views can also dramatically change the mood and feel of the room, suggesting a bright day outside instead of a rainy one.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

251 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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