
Real Estate Photos Don’t Just Sell Homes, They Sell Realtors Too

Professional Real Estate Photography is a Great Marketing Tool for Realtors

Selling homes is the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think about real estate photography, and for good reason. However, there is another less considered benefit of professional real estate photography as well.

Two words. Personal Branding.

Table of Contents

Building a Brand with Great Real Estate Photography

Great looking real estate photography reflects very well on the realtor. Being a realtor that always has the best looking listing is something that can make them stand out amongst a sea of other realtors.

There are over 200,000 realtors in California alone, and even more in Florida, so standing out amongst their peers is extremely important.

As real estate photographers, we always need to be thinking about the value that our photos bring to our clients. Yes, of course our photos are a major factor in marketing homes for sale, but that’s not their only value.

In order for our industry to continue growing and for us to continue to land clients, we need to understand the full value of our talent.

Professional Photos Make Homes Look Better

Professional real estate photography makes homes look better. We all know and understand this. The 2 images above show how drastic of a difference hiring a professional can make.

The part that some real estate photographers may not understand is how that directly reflects on the realtor and how it further increases the value of our photography.

When a homeowner is searching for a realtor to work with in order to sell their home, they are very likely to search for someone with a good reputation. It’s even more likely that a realtor will be recommended to them by a friend or family member.

If a specific realtor becomes known as someone who can make a house look amazing, even if there’s still work that needs to be done on the house, they’re more likely to be hired since potential sellers will want their house to look as good as possible.

You can see how using a great real estate photographer can quickly become a marketing tactic for a realtor that understands the importance of presenting a sellers home in the best light possible.

It’s an easy way to help convince someone to trust you with selling of their home if you can point to how excellent your past listings have looked. You can provide this value to every realtor you work with.

More Value = More Clients

Most of the time, we as real estate photographers try to sell our services as a way to sell homes faster and for more money. While this is absolutely true and should be the focal point of our marketing strategy, it shouldn’t be the only one.

If we can offer realtors a way to sell homes faster, for more money, and help them get more clients in the future, then that’s an even greater value proposition than what we were offering before.

Obviously, realtors want to sell houses fast and for premium prices, but they also want to sell more houses and higher priced houses in the future. We can be the key to them accomplishing all three if we market our services correctly.

You can offer a number of different services to your clients beyond just photography. This is an entire different way to increase your value and the realtors value.

If only a handful of realtors in your area are using Matterport, drone, or floor plan services because you are one of the few that offer them, potential sellers will notice this and want to work with your client because of it.

This leads to a very long term relationship with your client since you are the one offering the services that they have decided to use for their own brand.

How to Market ‘Brand Building’ as a Real Estate Photographer

Chances are you already have a marketing strategy aimed at landing you more clients. If you don’t, check out our article How to Get Clients for Real Estate Photography for some great tips and advice.

Assuming you do though, like most marketing strategies, it should highlight the value that your talent and services can bring to the possible client.

The more value that you can offer a potential client, the more likely you are to land them as a paying and returning client. This is why you must start to include something along the lines of “developing your brand” into your marketing language.

Find creative ways to describe why being a realtor that consistently lists homes with excellent images will help them get more listings in the future. Use examples of top realtors in your market that always use professional photographers.

The goal here is to show them that by hiring you, their brand recognition will become one of higher quality than their competition. By hiring you, they will have the best looking listing photos and future sellers will reach out to them because of it.

Every homeowner that is putting their house on the market wants their home to look as good as possible, sell as fast as possible, and sell for as much money as possible. Professional real estate photography directly impacts all three of those factors.

Help your current clients develop their brand as a realtor who can showcase a home in the best light possible. Before you know it, other realtors will be reaching out to you because they’ll want to develop their brand in the exact same way.

254 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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