Tips & Tricks

Ideas And Tips For Behind The Scenes Content For Real Estate Photographers

Ideas And Tips For Behind The Scenes Content For Real Estate Photographers

Using behind the scenes content is a great way to market yourself and your real estate photography business to both current and potential clients.

In this article I’ll share several ideas and tips for behind the scenes content for real estate photographers and discuss some of the best practices.

Table of Contents

Why Behind The Scenes Content Is A Good Idea

Using behind the scenes content to market your real estate photography business is a great way to approach marketing from a fresh perspective. As opposed to our finely curated real estate images, behind the scenes content can be quite raw and authentic.

For a full explanation on why behind the scenes content is a good idea, check out our article Using Behind The Scenes Content To Market Yourself On Social Media.

Ideas For Behind The Scenes Content For Real Estate Photographers

Setting Up The Scene

Show your audience the setup process. Whether it’s staging a room for a shoot, setting up lighting on location, or filming your pre-photography walkthrough, these insights offer a fascinating look into the technical aspects of your work.

Your Creative Process

Share moments that capture your creative process. This could be how you frame a shot, experimenting with different angles, or even your post-production work. It showcases your creativity and thought process behind each shot.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Don’t shy away from sharing challenges you face during a shoot and how you overcome them. This not only demonstrates your problem-solving skills but also makes your content more engaging and authentic.

Client Interactions

If your clients are comfortable, include snippets of you interacting with them. This adds a human element to your work and shows your ability to create a comfortable environment for your clients.

Show Your Personality

Let your personality come through in your behind the scenes content. Your sense of humor, enthusiasm, or even your contemplative moments can make your content more engaging and memorable.

Behind The Scenes Content Strategies

Balance Authenticity and Quality

While authenticity is key in behind the scenes content, maintaining a level of quality is equally important. Ensure your videos and photos are clear and well-composed. Poor quality content in any manner can lower the overall quality of your brand and business.

Use Narrative Structure

Create a storyline in your behind the scenes content. Start with introducing the project, show the process, and conclude with the final result. An example of this could be walking through the home, showing how you staged the home, then showing the final images.

This structure not only makes your content more engaging but also more comprehensible, especially for those unfamiliar with how much work goes into real estate photography.

Consistent and Regular Posting

Consistency is crucial on social media. Regular posts keep your audience engaged and helps you build a loyal community. Set a schedule for posting behind the scenes content and do your best to stick to it. This can be as easy as showing just one of the homes you photograph per week.

Make It Interactive

Encourage audience participation by asking questions, seeking opinions, or running polls. Engagement is not just about likes or views but also about building a dialogue with your audience.

Show Diverse Aspects

Don’t limit your behind the scenes content to just one aspect of your work. Show the full variety of your work as a real estate photographer, from scouting locations to editing processes. This diversity can keep your content fresh and interesting.

Always Be Authentic

One of the largest appeals of behind the scenes content lies in its authenticity. Avoid over-staging or scripting these moments. Let them be as natural and spontaneous as possible, while keeping a high production value.

Remaining genuine and authentic is going to help everyone viewing your content better relate to you. The better they can relate, the more likely they are to hire you.

If you can show your personality in an authentic way, your ideal customers will come to you.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

254 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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