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Dodge And Burn Basics In Photoshop For Real Estate Photography

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Dodge And Burn Basics In Photoshop For Real Estate Photography

Photoshop’s Dodge and Burn Tools are extremely help to all photographers that use the Adobe editing software, but they are particularly useful to us as real estate photographers. Knowing how to use them properly can really enhance your overall image quality.

In this article I’ll discuss what Dodge and Burn Tools in Photoshop are and share a few ways that they can be so helpful.

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What Are Photoshop's Dodge And Burn Tools?

In Adobe Photoshop, which we named the Best Editing Software for Real Estate Photography, the Dodge and Burn tools are extremely helpful for real estate photographers who want precise control over the lightness or darkness of different areas in an image.

The terms come from traditional darkroom techniques where these tools digitally replicate the effect of “dodging” (lightening) and “burning” (darkening) specific sections of a photograph.

The Dodge Tool is used to brighten areas of an image. When you select this tool and brush over a portion of your photo, it lightens the pixels in that area. This is particularly useful for bringing out details in shadows or highlighting features that might be underexposed.

The tool offers options to adjust the exposure level, allowing for subtle to significant lightening effects. You can also specify the range of tones (shadows, midtones, or highlights) that the tool affects, giving you more control over the result.

Conversely, the Burn Tool darkens parts of the image. When applied, it decreases the brightness of the pixels where it’s brushed, effectively deepening shadows or reducing the intensity of highlights.

Like the Dodge Tool, it allows you to set the exposure level for the burn effect and choose which tonal range (shadows, midtones, or highlights) to target.

Both tools are commonly used for enhancing depth and dimension in an image, drawing attention to certain elements, or correcting exposure inconsistencies.

Mastering the Dodge and Burn tools can significantly elevate the quality of photo editing, providing a level of precision and creative control that can transform a good image into a great one.

How Do Dodge And Burn Relate To Real Estate Photography?

I personally use Photoshop’s Dodge and Burn Tools for every single real estate image that I capture and edit. They are outrageously helpful to me and truly enhance my image quality.

Bringing Out Shadows With The Dodge Tool

In real estate photography, it’s common to encounter areas within a room that are significantly darker than others, often due to insufficient natural or artificial light. This disparity can lead to loss of detail in shadowed areas, which can be unappealing in property listings.

The Dodge Tool comes to the rescue here. By carefully applying it to these darker areas, you can gently brighten the shadows, revealing details and textures that were previously obscured. This technique is especially useful in spaces like alcoves, corners of rooms, or areas under furniture.

For example, in a living room with large windows, some corners may appear darker. By selectively dodging these areas, you can create a more balanced exposure, making the space feel more inviting.

It’s like digitally simulating the effect of soft, natural light spilling into the entire room, enhancing the overall ambiance.

Creating Beautiful Natural Light With Midtones Dodge

Another common challenge in real estate photography is ensuring that the property feels bright and airy. Even with good natural light, some areas may still appear less illuminated. The midtones Dodge Tool can be adeptly used to brighten these areas, enhancing the sense of natural light permeating the space.

By carefully applying the midtones Dodge to areas like the center of rooms, near windows, or on surfaces that would naturally catch light, you can create an impression of a sunnier, more luminous space.

This technique is particularly effective for showcasing the potential of the property in terms of its light and space. It can make rooms appear more welcoming and warm, traits often sought after in real estate imagery.

Creating Depth and Contrast with the Burn Tool

Conversely, the Burn Tool is instrumental in adding depth and contrast to real estate images. Overly bright areas, especially those near light sources like windows or lamps, can be toned down using this tool.

By subtly burning these regions, you can bring back details lost to overexposure and enhance the overall dynamic range of the image.

In exterior shots, the Burn Tool can be used to deepen the sky or the property’s surroundings, creating a more dramatic and appealing contrast against the property itself. This technique helps in drawing the viewer’s focus towards the property, making it stand out in the image.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

251 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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