Beginners Guide

The Real Estate Photographer’s Guide To Working In Staged Homes

The Real Estate Photographer's Guide To Working In Staged Homes

Photographing a professionally staged home offers real estate photographers a very unique opportunity that we should do our best to take advantage of.

In this article I’ll share a real estate photographer’s guide to working in staged homes, including the benefits, what you need to do to prepare, and how to collaborate with staging professionals.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Photographing Staged Homes

Major Visual Appeal and Emotional Impact

One of the primary benefits of photographing staged homes is the enhanced visual appeal. Staged homes are carefully designed to evoke a warm, inviting atmosphere, making them more attractive to potential buyers.

This aesthetic appeal is not just about making spaces look beautiful; it’s about crafting an emotional resonance with those viewing your images and visiting the house in person.

As a real estate photographer, capturing the essence of these meticulously arranged environments allows you to present properties in their best light, potentially speeding up the selling process for your clients.

Portfolio-Worthy Opportunity

Staged homes offer a unique opportunity to diversify and enrich your portfolio. These settings are often curated by professional interior designers, showcasing a variety of styles and trends that can add depth to your work.

It’s very common for stagers to use high-end furniture and finishes when they stage a home. This gives you the opportunity to photograph not just perfectly curated scenes by a professional, by high-end furnishings within these scenes.

It can be a fantastic opportunity to add to your portfolio, especially for a new real estate photographer.

Preparing to Photograph a Staged Home

Coordination with Staging Professionals

Before the shoot, it’s crucial to coordinate with the home staging professionals involved. This collaboration can help you understand the key elements they aim to highlight and any specific angles or features they consider most appealing.

Knowing the staging team’s vision allows you to plan your shots more effectively, ensuring that the photographs reflect the property’s staged appeal accurately.

Essential Gear and Settings Adjustments

Shooting in staged homes may require different gear or settings adjustments compared to empty or lived-in homes.

For instance, bringing a wide-angle lens can help capture the full essence of a room just like it can with all of your normal real estate shoots. However, staged spaces can introduce angles that will benefit from a tighter lens.

Bringing along a 24-70mm or even a 50mm prime lens can help you capture some beautifully curated vignettes that likely aren’t present when a home isn’t professionally staged.

For a list of the best lenses on the market for situations like this, check out our article Best Lenses for Real Estate Photography.

Additionally, consider adjusting your camera settings to balance natural and artificial light effectively, maintaining the ambiance that the staging is meant to convey.

Chances are the stager also considered how to light works within the room, so you can capture some excellent images by finding the available light and using it to your advantage.

Collaborating with Staging Professionals

Effective communication with staging professionals before and during the shoot can significantly impact the quality of your photographs. Chances are you speak the same language in terms of what looks best in a space and how to present it.

Discussing the staging details can provide insights into which elements of the home to focus on, helping you capture shots that align with the staging’s purpose.

This collaboration not only ensures that the photographs meet the expectations of your clients but also enhances the presentation of the staged home.

Speaking and working directly with the stager can introduce you to angles that you might not have considered before. They designed the room, so they are very aware of how everything in the room fits together. That can be very helpful.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

254 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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