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11 Simple Staging Tips For Real Estate Photographers

11 Simple Staging Tips For Real Estate Photographers

Staging a home is a simple and effective way to take your real estate photographs to the next level. I make sure to stage every home I walk into before snapping any photos.

In this article I’ll share 11 simple staging tips for real estate photographers and briefly discuss why staging is so important.

Table of Contents

Why Staging Is So Important

When done properly, staging helps to optimize the space, highlight architectural features, and add warmth to an image, which can significantly impact a buyer’s first impression.

It’s a topic that I’ve discussed in several other articles since it can make a huge difference. Check out our articles The Advantages of Minimalist Staging and Real Estate Photography Staging Techniques for Small Spaces for a deeper read.

Staging not only makes the property more attractive in photographs and listings but can also increase its perceived value, leading to faster sales and potentially higher offers, which your clients will greatly appreciate.

Staging transforms a property into a welcoming, appealing space, making it essential for capturing the interest of potential buyers, especially in a competitive real estate market.

10 Simple Staging Tips for Real Estate Photography

1. Maximize Natural Light

Natural light is a photographers best friend, regardless of what industry they work in. For real estate photography it helps make space it look brighter and more inviting.

Open curtains and blinds fully to let in as much light as possible. For rooms with limited natural light, strategically turn on lamps to brighten the space without creating harsh shadows.

2. Declutter Countertops and Surfaces

A cluttered space distracts from the property’s features and it always the first staging task that I take on when entering a property.

Clear countertops, tables, and other surfaces to create a cleaner, more spacious look. Leave just a few decorative items to add character without overcrowding the space.

3. Rearrange Furniture for Flow

The arrangement of furniture can greatly impact the perception of space. Aim for a layout that promotes easy movement throughout the room, removing unnecessary pieces if needed to create a sense of flow and openness.

This might not always be possible since you’ll need to work within how the homeowner has already arranged their home, but even a few simple tweaks can make a big difference.

4. Highlight Architectural Features

Every property has unique architectural features that can be highlighted through staging. Use existing decor to draw attention to fireplaces, built-in shelving, or intricate crown molding, ensuring these features are unobstructed and well-lit in photos.

5. Adjust Curtains and Blinds

Ensure curtains and blinds are evenly hung and properly adjusted to present a uniform look in each room. This small detail can dramatically improve the room’s overall appearance in photographs.

6. Incorporate Greenery

A touch of greenery can bring life to any space. Use small potted plants or fresh flowers to add color and vitality to rooms without taking up too much space or overwhelming the scene.

I like to keep a small fake plant in my car at all times so I can use it in images. I know a handful of realtors that do the same thing.

7. Fluff Pillows and Straighten Linens

Crisp linens and plump pillows can make bedrooms and living areas look more inviting and comfortable. Take a moment to straighten out beds, couches, and chairs to give them a more appealing and cozy appearance.

Sometimes I’ll joke with my clients that I’m actually a professional pillow fluffer since they always see me fixing and fluffing every pillow in the house. It’s a quick and easy way to make the home look better.

8. Use Towels to Add a Spa-Like Feel to Bathrooms

Rolled or neatly folded towels can give bathrooms a luxurious, spa-like feel. Choose towels that match the bathroom’s color scheme for a cohesive look if they’re available.

At the same time, old and torn towels will cause the opposite effect. In these situations, remove the towels completely from the scene.

9. Remove Personal Items

Personal items like family photos, children’s artwork, and personal toiletries can distract from the property’s features. Removing these items helps potential buyers envision themselves in the space.

A major place that needs these type of items to be removed is the refrigerator. I find it very common for homeowners and realtors to overlook the crowded fridge which can be filled with photos and magnets. 

10. Clean Windows and Reflective Surfaces

Clean windows not only allow more light into the space but also ensure clear, crisp views in photos. Similarly, cleaning mirrors and other reflective surfaces can prevent distracting smudges and streaks.

11. Pay Attention to the Exterior

The property’s exterior is the first thing buyers see, whether online or in person. Simple adjustments like straightening outdoor furniture, hiding garbage bins, and sweeping walkways can make a significant difference in curb appeal.

You can read more about the exterior specifically in our article Exterior Staging Tips for Real Estate Photography.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

254 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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