Beginners Guide

Should You Photograph Neighborhood Amenities For Real Estate Photography

Should You Photograph Neighborhood Amenities For Real Estate Photography

The focus of real estate photography often centers on the property itself, the architectural features, the interior design, and the landscaping. However, the location of the house and the amenities in the neighborhood can be just as important.

In this article I’ll discuss the question of whether or not you should photograph neighborhood amenities for real estate photography.

Table of Contents

Neighborhood Amenities Can Enhanced The Appeal Of The Property

One of the most significant advantages of including neighborhood amenities in your real estate photography is the added appeal it brings to the property.

Potential buyers or renters aren’t just interested in the house or apartment itself. They’re also interested in the lifestyle and conveniences the location offers.

Showing nearby parks, bustling marketplaces, community centers, or picturesque streets can paint a more comprehensive picture of what life could be like in that home.

However, this may not be true for all neighborhoods. You’ll need to figure out if the neighborhood is a selling feature or if it might actually be a potential issue for some buyers.

Showcasing Convenience And Connectivity

Photographs of nearby transportation hubs, shopping centers, or schools can emphasize the property’s convenience and connectivity. For many potential buyers, especially in urban areas, the ease of getting around and accessing essential services is a significant factor in their decision making process.

If there is a public transit stop right outside the house, a school a few doors away, or a commercial strip, it’s probably a good idea to show that in some of the images.

Too Many Neighborhood Photos Can Shift The Focus From The Property

Now, this can either be a good thing or bad thing depending on both the neighborhood and the property.

If the property could use some fixing up, but it’s in an incredible location, it’s probably worth including a good amount of neighborhood amenity images.

Likewise, if the house/property is beautiful and the surrounding neighborhood doesn’t offer much to be featured, it doesn’t really make sense to include any images of the neighborhood.

As a general rule, it’s good to remember that the primary goal of the photos is to sell the home, and while surroundings matter, they shouldn’t overshadow the property itself.

Consider Potential Misrepresentation

Photographing neighborhood amenities comes with a responsibility to represent the area accurately. There’s a risk of misrepresenting the proximity or quality of these amenities, which can lead to distrust or disappointment from potential buyers.

It’s crucial to ensure that the images accurately reflect the current state and accessibility of these amenities. This is definitely the ethically right thing to do, but depending on your locality it may also be illegal to misrepresent a property in this manner.

While neighborhood amenities can definitely play a role in real estate photography, you need to be sure that you’re representing the neighborhood truthfully.

Should You Charge More?

Incorporating neighborhood amenities into your real estate shoot can mean more time spent planning, shooting, and editing. The extra effort might not always translate into a higher selling price, quicker sale, or even more impressive images.

So should you charge more for photos of neighborhood amenity photos? I would argue that unless the amenity is within a 20-30 second walk from the property, you should probably charge more. Certainly not a lot more, but you can offer it as an add-on service.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

252 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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