
The 15 Best Real Estate Photography Accounts to Follow on Instagram

Best Real Estate Photography Accounts to Follow on Instagram

Our goal with this article was to compile a list of the best real estate photography accounts to follow on Instagram that will serve to inspire and educate you.

I’ll outline how we determined why we think these are the best  real estate photography accounts to follow on Instagram and give some details about each specific account.

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How We Decided on the Best Real Estate Photography Accounts to Follow on Instagram

Our method for choosing the best real estate photography accounts to follow on Instagram was to find accounts that offered at least a few of the following attributes:

  1. Inspiring Visuals
  2. Educational Content
  3. Consistent Posting Practices
  4.  An ‘it’ factor that make the account stand out from others

We did not want to just put together a list of real estate photographers posting beautiful photos and call it a day. That is easy enough to do on your own and won’t offer any sort of help to you and your real estate photography career.

Instead, this is a list of accounts that actually have something to offer. Whether it’s a photographer pushing the boundaries of real estate photography, a look into the mind of a realtor, or a collection of excellent photos fro real estate photographers around the world.

All these accounts will help you become a better real estate photographer in some way. Here is our list of the best real estate photography accounts to follow on Instagram.

The Local Project - @thelocalproject

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

The Local Project is an architecture and design publication out of Australia. Per their bio, they aim to explore “how locality shapes design, interior design, and architecture in homes, houses, and spaces.”

They do an excellent job of featuring residential exteriors and interiors which have been shaped in some way by their surroundings. The longer I’ve followed this account, the more I’ve wanted to highlight the setting in which the house is in on my own jobs.

You’ll discover creative ways to do just that by scrolling through their profile and see some amazing images from very talented photographers at the same time.

Larry Arnal - @arnalphotography

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Larry Arnal is a Toronto based photographer that captures truly fantastic interior images. Larry is definitely a master of light and has perfected his technique, which is clearly evident as you scroll through his images.

He works with some very high end clients and has a look that is truly his own. Larry commonly uses a much more narrow focal length than what we’re used to seeing in real estate photography. This leads to a defined style and much more intimate images.

Ema Peter - @emaphotographi

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Ema Peter is an architectural photographer and doesn’t only focus on residential architecture, but her ability to push the limits of architectural photography is so inspiring that you’ll absolutely develop new ideas and ways of looking at spaces by following her.

If you attended this year’s PMRE Conference you were as lucky as I was to hear Ema give an incredible talk about how she got started in architectural photography and some of her principles surrounding the subject. You can read a full review of that in our article PMRE Conference 2022 Recap.

Jellis Craig - @jelliscraig

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Jellis Craig is a Melbourne, Australia based real estate agency that clearly takes great pride in how their listings are photographed.

In addition to seeing some really beautiful real estate photography, the folks at Jellis Craig regularly conduct interviews of sorts with their own realtors. This offers a great view into the mind of our clients and can be a huge help when we are trying to market ourselves properly.

Arturo + Lauren - @arturo.and.lauren

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Arturo + Lauren are a real estate photography duo that work heavily on the video production side of things. Their Instagram account is filled with behind the scenes footage of them putting together beautiful video content of homes.

Arturo and Lauren gave a great talk at this year’s PMRE Conference, which you can read about here, where they discussed the importance of video in real estate photography and marketing.

Following their account will both inspire you to get started in video production and give you real life guidance on how to create great marketing content.

Katherine Lu - @_katlu

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Katherine Lu is a architectural photographer based in Sydney, Australia who has been featured in many of the media outlets you see on this list. She’s developed a style which I personally find to be extremely pleasing and intimate.

Katherine seeks out shapes and light that are not commonly seen in real estate photography. A quick glance at her Instagram account will offer ideas for many different angles on your next shoot. She has a way of making overlooked spaces appear beautiful.

Compass - @compass

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Compass is probably a name that you are already aware of if you’ve been in the real estate photography industry long enough. They are a leading real estate firm and consistently land some of the most impressive houses in the US.

Their Instagram account is filled with beautiful photos of their listings and up-to-date information on the real estate industry. Following along with Compass will keep you up-to-date with how top real estate agencies want to present themselves.

Tatjana Plitt - @tatjanaplitt

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Tatjana Plitt is an architectural and interiors photographer based in Melbourne, Australia. Although her images aren’t strictly real estate, we can always take something away from studying the work of an excellent photographer.

Her use of space and light is elite and can serve as inspiration for any real estate photographer looking to push their own skills and limits further.

Douglas Elliman - @douglaselliman

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Douglas Elliman is a huge name in the world of real estate and is known to have some of the best listings in the United States.

If you have dreams of becoming a top real estate photographer or photographing some of the most expensive houses in your market, the Douglas Elliman Instagram account can show you what is expected in terms of photographic quality.

Dwell - @dwellmagazine

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Dwell is an account that I regularly go to when I’m looking for inspiration. Their Instagram account features residential photography from some extremely unique homes and buildings.

Dwell is a great account to follow if you want to see beautiful photos or find great photographers to follow. They always tag the photographer in the caption, so if one photo stands out to you and you want to explore that style more, you can check out the photographer directly.

And BIG props to any account that tags the photographer!

Dezeen - @dezeen

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Dezeen is a UK based architecture, design, and interiors magazine that regularly features some of the top real estate and architectural photographers on the planet.

Much like Dwell’s Instagram mentioned above, Dezeen is a great place to discover photographers that have a style you are looking to explore since they also tag the photographer in the caption.

Dezeen is a bit more architecture focused than Dwell, but they feature extremely talented photographers regularly and the account can serve as a great place to get inspired for your next shoot.

Architectural Digest - @archdigest

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Architectural Digest is pretty much a household name at this point and for good reason. It’s also by far the most popular account on this list with 9.4 million followers.

It’s thought of as the standard in production for the design world, so it’s a great account to follow if you want to keep up with design trends. Seeing how great photographers capture the latest design trends is so helpful that AD is pretty much a must follow for any real estate photographer.

Koen Van Damme - @koenvandamme

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Koen Van Damme is a Belgian architectural photographer that primarily captures black and white images. Much of his work wouldn’t be considered real estate photography, but it almost always features residential architecture.

Following someone that photographs the same subject from such a different perspective is an excellent way to develop your own look and push your own limits. I find his work to be mesmerizing and love following his photographic journey.

Matthew Digati - @matthewdigati

real estate photography instagram real estate photographers to follow on instagram

Shameless plug time… but my Instagram account is filled with my real estate and architectural photography. I live in a city rich with historic residential architecture and am lucky enough to photograph 100+ year old homes regularly.

Feel free to check out my work and give me a follow if you enjoy it.

I hope you find some inspiration and learn from this list of the best real estate photography accounts to follow on Instagram.

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

254 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.


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