Beginners Guide

Best Practices For Detail Shots In Real Estate Photography

Best Practices For Detail Shots In Real Estate Photography

Detail shots in real estate photography can serve a real purpose. Done well, they can show the quality and character of the property, offering potential buyers a closer look at the craftsmanship and luxury elements that might be missed in wider shots.

In this article I’ll discuss the best practices for detail shots in real estate photography and offer some tips on how to best go about capturing them.

Table of Contents

Identifying Worthy Details

Not every property will benefit from detail shots. The key is to first assess whether the home possesses features that are distinctive and visually appealing enough to warrant a closer look.

  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on properties that boast high end finishes, custom designs, or architectural significance. Look for elements that set the home apart, such as beautiful woodwork, designer tiles, custom light fixtures, or innovative architectural elements.
  • Tell a Story: Each detail shot should tell part of the home’s story, highlighting the luxury, history, or unique character of the property. If the detail doesn’t add to the narrative or appeal of the home, it might be best to leave it out.

Choose The Right Equipment

The choice of lens can greatly affect the outcome of your detail shots. Check out our article Best Lenses for Real Estate Photography to see if you already have one of the best lenses on the market.

  • Tighter Lenses for Close-Ups: A 35mm or 50mm lens can be ideal for capturing detail shots in real estate photography. These lenses allow you to get close enough to capture the intricacies of the details while also providing a natural look that doesn’t distort the proportions of the feature.

Composition For Detail Shots

Composition is key in making detail shots compelling and aesthetically pleasing. Although this is true for nearly all genres of photography, composition plays a key role in highlighting the smaller details in real estate photography.

You’ll need to show enough of the area to make sure the viewer knows where in the home the detail is, while also being close enough to really make the finer elements of the feature the major focus of the image.

  • Focus on Symmetry and Patterns: Many architectural details and finishes feature patterns or symmetrical designs. Focusing on these aspects can create visually striking images that draw the viewer’s eye.
  • Background and Context: While the detail is the main subject, be mindful of the background and surrounding area. A cluttered or distracting background can detract from the impact of the detail shot. Aim for a clean, neutral background that makes the detail pop.

Always Pay Attention To The Lighting

Lighting can make or break your detail shots. It’s crucial to highlight the texture and color of the materials accurately. Give our article Best Lighting for Real Estate Photography a read for a deeper understanding about lighting in general.

  • Natural Light: Whenever possible, use natural light to illuminate the detail. This can help bring out the true colors and textures of the material, especially for features like stained glass or intricate wood grains.
  • Supplement with Artificial Light: In some cases, additional lighting may be needed to properly showcase a detail. Use off-camera flashes to fill in shadows or highlight certain aspects of the detail.

Make Sure To Use Detail Shots Effectively

What do I mean when I say use them effectively? Well, detail shots should complement the overall portfolio of real estate images, not overwhelm it.

  • Complementary to Overall Shots: Use detail shots sparingly and strategically. They should serve as a complement to the overall property shots, providing a closer look at the features that make the home special.
  • Highlighting the Best Features: Choose only the best features for your detail shots. Not every home will have enough unique details for multiple shots, so focus on the most striking or appealing features.
  • Sequencing in the Listing: When adding detail shots to a listing, place them strategically among the wider shots. This sequencing can help tell a cohesive story of the property, leading the viewer from the general to the specific.

Additional Resources

If you’re just getting started in real estate photography, check out our Beginners Guide. It’s full of helpful articles and tips that will guide you in the right direction as you begin your real estate photography journey.

You can check out our Gear section as well to see reviews and recommendations on the latest real estate photography gear.

If you’re more interested in other resources that can help your real estate photography business, check out our Business Resources page.

252 posts

About author
Matthew Digati is a professional Real Estate and Architectural Photographer. Matthew has worked as a Real Estate and Architectural Photographer since 2015 and has photographed properties and projects all over the United States.
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