
How to Download Your Customer List from Tourbuzz

Aryeo is able to import a CSV (Excel) file of you customers that can be downloaded from your TourBuzz account. In this article, we will show you where to access this information and how to download it.

First, login to your TourBuzz account and select the “customers” tab at the top of the page.

Once there, a button labeled “Download Customer Database” will be on the right side of the page.

Select this button and the CSV file of your customers will be downloaded to your computer.Do not open or make any changes to the format of the file and do not convert it to another file type. Sending the file as it was downloaded results in the best outcome.

This downloaded file will continue all of your customers names, emails, number of tours, websites, profile pictures, and logos, among other things.

This will save an immense amount of time and headache for both you and your agents on creating new accounts and putting all new information in!

If you need additional assistance, reach out to us at and a team member will reach out to help.


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